A Little More About Me

As a trauma survivor, I have learned how beneficial for recovery it is being out in nature. Noticing, is one of the best grounding techniques that can be employed to help focus away from traumatic stress responses in the body to more calming thoughts and feelings. it helps regulate breathing and reduces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin produced in your body when overwhelmed during fight, flight, freeze responses.

Noticing the beauty of the natural world around me, the sights, sounds and smells, the colours and textures, activates the senses and brings a sense of wellbeing and a familial security in place of overwhelming anxiety, fear and stress created by trauma triggers.

My desire and aim is to share those powerful therapeutic images, that have helped me on my recovery journey, with you, in the hope that they produce just a little of the same calming and positive healthy effect for you too.